
Installation Guide for simple_enum using CPM.cmake

This guide will walk you through the steps to integrate simple_enum into your C++ project using CPM.cmake, a C++ Package Manager.


CPM.cmake is required, but if you don’t have it set up in your project yet, the installation steps will cover its integration.

Step 1: Set Up CPM.cmake

If you haven’t already integrated CPM.cmake into your project, this script will download get_cpm:

mkdir -p cmake
wget -O cmake/CPM.cmake

This snippet will download and make CPM.cmake available in your project.

Step 2: Adding simple_enum with CPM.cmake

Now, to add simple_enum to your project, include the following CPMAddPackage command in your CMakeLists.txt file:


  NAME simple_enum
  GITHUB_REPOSITORY arturbac/simple_enum
  GIT_TAG v0.5.7

This command instructs CPM.cmake to fetch the simple_enum library from the specified GitHub repository and tag.

Step 3: Optional Precompiled Headers (PCH) Setup

To speed up compilation times, you can optionally precompile the headers of simple_enum. Add the following to your CMakeLists.txt after including simple_enum:

target_precompile_headers(simple_enum INTERFACE

This step is optional for projects with significant compilation times.

Step 4: Using simple_enum in Your Project

After the setup, you can use simple_enum in your project. Just include the necessary headers in your source files:

#include "simple_enum/simple_enum.hpp"
// Include other headers as needed

You can now leverage simple_enum’s functionality in your C++ project.