
fmt::format Support for Enumerations


fmt::format is a part of the {fmt} library, a modern formatting library for C++. The simple_enum library extends fmt::format support to enumerations via a custom formatter specialization, enabling easy and efficient string formatting of enum values using the {fmt} library.


To enable fmt::format support for your enumeration types, include the custom formatter specialization provided in simple_enum/fmtlib_format.hpp.

Custom Formatter

The simple_enum/fmtlib_format.hpp header defines a fmt::formatter specialization for enumeration types, leveraging simple_enum::enum_name for converting enum values to their string representations.

#include <fmt/format.h>

template<simple_enum::enum_concept enumeration>
struct fmt::formatter<enumeration> {
  // Parsing and formatting logic here


Include the simple_enum/fmtlib_format.hpp in your project to use fmt::format with enumeration types:

#include <simple_enum/fmtlib_format.hpp>

Example Code

#include <iostream>
#include <simple_enum/fmtlib_format.hpp>  // Include custom formatter support
#include <fmt/format.h>

enum class lorem_ipsum_short { eu, occaecat, dolore };

int main() {
    // Use fmt::format to format an enum value directly
    std::cout << fmt::format("{}\n", lorem_ipsum_short::eu);  // Outputs: eu

This example demonstrates using fmt::format to format an enumeration value directly to a string, provided the enumeration satisfies simple_enum::enum_concept and the custom formatter is included.


Integrating fmt::format support for enums enhances the flexibility and expressiveness of formatting operations in C++ applications, making it easier to incorporate enum values into formatted strings with the efficiency and type safety of the {fmt} library.