


The enum_name function object provides a mechanism to convert enumeration values to their string literals efficiently at compile-time or runtime, leveraging pre-defined metadata.

Interface Declaration

struct enum_name_t
  template<enum_concept enum_type>
  constexpr auto operator()(enum_type value) const noexcept
    -> std::string_view

inline constexpr enum_name_t enum_name;


Include the simple_enum/simple_enum.hpp in your project to use enum_name

Usage Example

Given an enumeration my_enum with defined bounds, you can convert an enum value to its string name as follows:

#include <simple_enum/simple_enum.hpp>
enum class my_enum { value1, value2, value3 };

// Assuming bounds are defined for `my_enum` using one of 3 methods example below using adl `adl_enum_bounds`
consteval auto adl_enum_bounds(my_enum) -> simple_enum::adl_info<my_enum> {
    return {my_enum::value1, my_enum::value3};

// Usage
std::cout << enum_name(my_enum::value2); // Outputs the string representation of `value2`